About dispersible nanoparticles, stable pigment pastes, hot cooked cheese and adhesives
International Workshop Dispersion Analysis and Material Testing in Berlin, March 7-8
At first sight, blood and food, household products and industrial nanoparticles have nothing in common. A closer look reveals, all are subject to the same physical principles with respect to the characterization of their separation behaviour during production, storage and application. Solid or liquid nano- and microparticles are homogeneously dispersed in a liquid phase for storage and application. Resulting are heterogeneous systems of two or more substances, not chemically bonded nor dissolved in each other (dispersions). It applies for example for blood, dental adhesives, pigment pastes and cacao beverages. Sooner or later the phases separate from each other resulting in problems at formulation, storage, transport and application.
The scientific committee, chaired by Prof. Dr. Lerche, Managing Director of LUM GmbH, has selected topics for this year’s conference, being of interdisciplinary interest for the academic audience as well as for the industrial community.
Dispersions of nanoclay particles in dilute dental adhesives can be stabilized against undesirable fast sedimentation by surface modification using polymers. The real-time settling behaviour was analytically monitored using the Separation Analyser LUMiReader® as presented in a talk by the Persian Polymer and Petrochemical Institute.
Polymeric nanodispersions are the basis of a large variety of products in cosmetic, chemical, pharmaceutical, food industries. The correlation between dispersibility and functional performance is discussed in the presentation by National Taiwan University of Science and Technology. Similar issues are answered by researchers from Georg Simon Ohm University of Applied Sciences, Nuremberg.
Magnetite and magnetic nanoparticles are in focus of two presentations. Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin is investigating blood, the „special juice“ (J.W. Goethe), LUM started with; the talk given by TU München puts the focus on coated magnetic nanoparticles for skin cancer therapy and on the influence of the surface modification of colloidal stability and particle size distribution.
Premium Ingredients from Spain coped with the challenge to characterize cacao particles in a smoothie. First, the Dispersion Analyser LUMiSizer® determined the hydrodynamic (in-situ) density of the dispersed cacao, since the dry density does not allow conclusions on the smoothie properties. In a second step the particle size distribution was determined according to ISO 13318, as one process parameter for product development. The examples show the possibilities for the characterization of bio- and nanoparticles dispersed in liquids, with properties significantly different from the property of the dry product and therefore more application relevant.
Whereas for most dispersions a preferably long shelf-life and a high separation stability is desired, the separation of specific components from wastewater is the contrary process. A researcher from Migal and TelHai College Academic Institutes, Israel, will report on this.
The measurement of high concentrated industrial pigment pastes by various instruments is in focus of the contribution by iSL-Chemie, Germany. Particular attention is paid to the direct and accelerated separation stability characterization according to ISO TR 13097 using LUMiFuge®. In combination with other analytical data optimal production parameters are defined.
Referring to particles spreadable processed cheese is a high concentrated product, too. Its investigation by the LUMiSizer® at a temperature near that in the cooker is a sensitive method and new approach for the characterization of the complex casein conversions during manufacture. Scientists from Max-Rubner Institut, Kiel, report on this topic.
An application for LUMiSizer® und LUMiFuge® showing the enormous potential of the innovative instruments besides the fast stability testing, includes the determination of sedimentation equilibria. The aim is to monitor colloidal interactions in nanoparticles independent of theoretical models. A scientist from the world-famous Van ’t Hoff Laboratory for Physical and Colloid Chemistry of Utrecht Iniversity gives the corresponding lecture.
While adhesives and lacquers are formulated and produced as dispersions, they finally have to form layers respectively have to ensure the adhesive bond with different substrates or other layers. The Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing, Berlin, compares the new centrifugal technology for adhesive and bonding strength, realized in Adhesion Analyser LUMiFrac®, with conventional methods.
The entire comprehensive programme allows all participants to discuss their questions with international experts and to set future trends in their particular research and development and production fields. During the second day different application courses will take place following customers’requirements, including the use of the multiwavelength-LUMiSizer®.
International Workshop Dispersion Analysis, Berlin, 7.3.-8.3.2013
Programme and Registration
LUM GmbH, Justus-von-Liebig-Str. 3, 12489 Berlin, Germany, phone +49-30-6780 6030,
fax +49-30-6780 6058, info(at)lum-gmbh.de, www.lum-gmbh.com