Optical companies from Adlershof will present their broadly expanded range of services at Photonics West 2015, the world’s largest industry trade show
Photonics cluster tripled its laboratory and production areas last year
The Technology Park Berlin Adlershof – one of the most successful sites for photonics, optics, and microsystems technology in Germany – will be
exhibiting in Hall D North, Booth 4601 / 45 at Photonics West 2015 in San Francisco, the world's largest photonics trade show, from 02/10 to 02/12/2015.
The laboratory and production areas tailored to the needs and wants of
optical technology companies have grown three times in size within the past year. The operating company, WISTA-MANAGEMENT GMBH, enabled growing on-site companies to expand, providing them with additional real estate of over 24,000 sqm. The expansion opened up previously unavailable space at the Centre for Photonics and Optics (ZPO) which was then made available to new tenants. In 2014, this resulted in eleven new companies establishing themselves and also satisfying the demand for additional space for seven companies that are already successful in Adlershof.
Optical technology companies exhibiting at Photonics West 2015 include art photonics GmbH, Limmer Laser GmbH, AdlOptica Optical Systems GmbH, Astro- und Feinwerktechnik Adlershof GmbH, Advanced Laser Diode
Systems, eagleyard Photonics GmbH, FCC FibreCableConnect GmbH, HOLOEYE Photonics AG, and TEC Microsystems GmbH.
Optical technologies in Berlin Adlershof
Over 100 firms are active in the photonics and optics cluster in Adlershof, which is built on a firm foundation of research and close cooperation among the numerous specialised small and medium-sized companies with broad expertise. The cluster encompasses the entire value chain of visible light and the rest of the electromagnetic spectrum.
Visit us online for further information:
<link en/technologies/photonics-optics/info>http://www.adlershof.de/en/technologies/photonics-optics/info</link>
Contact us
Dr. Bernd Ludwig
Director Centre for Photonics and Optics
Rudower Chaussee 17, 12489 Berlin
Phone: +49 30 - 63 92 22 15
Fax: +49 30 - 63 92 22 12