Trend-setter in emulsion characterization 2010
LUM’s scientific contributions to World Congress on Emulsions
LUM GmbH Berlin, is actively contributing to the success of the 5th World Congress on Emulsions in Lyon, France, from 12-14 October 2010, by presenting latest results within the frame of one lecture and six posters.
LUM GmbH is market leader in innovative instruments for direct and fast stability analysis and particle characterization of dispersions. Besides the provision of innovative measurement instrumentation LUM supports the development of the subject area of „Basics and Applications of Dispersions“.
Every 4 years researchers, producers and users of emulsions from different fields, e.g. food, cosmetic, pharma, paint and petrol industries, gather for an exchange of ideas and experiences on the World Emulsion Congress. Accordingly manifold are the new trends presented by LUM.
The characterization of the asphaltene flocculation in conjunction with ASTM D 7061 is in the focus of the central lecture. This contribution is addressed to the crude oil, petrol and related industries as well as to producers of additives. It shows how the analytical task can be solved with higher efficiency and higher productivity.
New solutions for droplet size determination in emulsions, for direct and accelerated emulsions stability tests under storage conditions and for a faster additive selection for reformulation of products, which are no longer accepted by REACH regulation, set further trends in the analysis of emulsions.
L.U.M. GmbH
Rudower Chaussee 29, 12489 Berlin
Tel. +49-30-6780 6030, Fax +49-30-6780 6058, info(at)